You can close this page and navigate back to the application you signed in from:
Authentication Successful
You can close this page and navigate back to the application you signed in from:
Choose an option to sign in to your Dolphin Account
Your account will be permanently deleted when you sign in.
Sign in with your Library
Sign In
Enter Password
Register Account
Register Account
Verify Email
Your Dolphin Account needs to be activated before you can sign in. An email with instructions for how to activate your account has been sent to your inbox. If you do not receive this email, please also check your junk folder.
Register Account
Forgot Password
Delete your Dolphin Account
Deleting your Dolphin Account permanently removes all Dolphin Account and personal data stored by Dolphin Computer Access.
Use the button below to sign in. This confirms you are the owner of the account you would like to delete.
Your Dolphin Account is deleted
Dolphin has removed your personal information from its database.
You are now logged out.
Change Email
Please provide your password to confirm that the email address below belongs to your account.
Change Email
Please provide a new email address for your account.
Email Changed
Please follow the instructions on the next page to verify your new email address.
Premium Invite Code
Please insert the invite code you were provided by your organisation.
Teacher Invite
You have accepted to join the EasyReader Premium Education Plan for:
On the next screen, you will be asked to sign in or create an account using your email address listed below:
You have successfully accepted the invitation!
Access your account by visiting the website.
Invitation Error
Sorry, there was a problem connecting you to the EasyReader Premium Education Plan. Please try again later.